Family Communications Lesson
What is a computer virus?
FaceTime How to call, pick up/decline a call, group calls, and features
Skype How to find/install Skype on your device (computer and phone), signing in/creating an account, and features

Libby Lesson
How to download the application, connect your library card using the Libby app, searching for and previewing a book, viewing loans/holds, returning a book, and more!

Amazon Kindle
Signing in and out of the app, searching for books, using categories, filtering results, adding items to the cart and checking out, read and use features, and adding books to your list.

Amazon Website
Creating an account and signing in, browsing the catalogs, writing reviews, various other features of the website, and checking out.

General PC Functionalities
Figuring out if you have a PC or laptop, basic functions, safety features, accessibility options, and home screen features.
Downloading Zoom, making an account, creating a meeting, joining meetings in various ways, and features within a meeting.

MyFridgeFood (short lesson)
Downloading and setting up the app, choosing ingredients, and using the categories.

Our Groceries (short lesson)
How to download the app, making and adding to shopping lists, and creating recipes.

Notion Website (short lesson)
Creating a Notion account, making a new page, using the features within a page, and utilizing pre-made templates.

Expensify App
Downloading and creating an account, scanning receipts, creating and tracking expenses, invoices and reports, and app settings.
Basic Excel Usage
Introduction to Excel and what it can be used for, entering data, creating charts and graphs, sharing spreadsheets, and downloading Excel on different devices.

Downloading Groupon, creating an account/getting started, searching for deals, using the different tabs, and saving coupons.

Intuit Mint
Downloading the app, making an account, signing in, connecting various accounts (cash, loan, investment), adding transactions, and using the various tabs.

Shazam App
Downloading the app and getting started, "touch to Shazam" feature, library, trending, auto-Shazam, and connecting to Apple Music and Spotify.

Downloading WhatsApp and signing up, features on both desktop and the app, group chats, calls, communities, and settings.
Downloading Yelp, signing up, getting started, writing reviews, browsing businesses, reservations, searching, and collections.

Clearful Journaling
Downloading and creating an account, “Today” tab, creating an entry, goals and planning features, health & wellness, milestones, reflections, sleep features, and settings within the app

Downloading and getting started, adding new passwords, secure notes, saving payment cards, adding a driver's license, insurance policies, Wi-Fi passwords, emails, and various password-related features

Downloading and getting started, utilizing the home page, finding upcoming events, posting, finding items for sale, changing your profile, and adding a business page.
Downloading and getting started, cash back offers, travel, dining, clothing, cosmetics, electronics, and other shopping features.

Downloading and getting started, browsing various projects, checking your inbox, and changing your profile.